The Guru is Dead – Part 1

The Himalayan Mountains loomed, magnificent in their grandeur, as Detective Arjun Kher drove up the winding path to the “Shunya Retreat,” the place of utmost silence. At this luxury retreat, guests sought tranquility, taking a vow of silence for the duration of their stay. They communicated only through handwritten notes and occasionally, artful gestures.

But tranquility had been shattered. A renowned self-help guru, Rajan Verma, was found dead.

Arriving at the entrance, Arjun parked his car and took a deep breath, the cold air stinging his nostrils. He was greeted by the manager, Mr. Gupta, who handed him a note.

“Thank you for coming so quickly, Detective. The body is in Room 108.”

Arjun nodded and proceeded towards the room. The silence was almost eerie. The only sound was the soft rustling of leaves and his footsteps on the gravel pathway.

Room 108 was a luxurious suite with panoramic views of the mountains. In the center lay the body of Rajan Verma. Arjun examined the scene. There was no sign of struggle. A glass lay on the bedside table, half-filled with water.

Dr. Kapoor, the local medical examiner, handed Arjun a note as he entered. “Preliminary check indicates poisoning. No external wounds.”

Arjun’s eyes scanned the room, stopping at a folded paper on the desk. He unfolded it, reading the message written in neat script: “It’s not as quiet as you think.”

He pocketed the note, making a mental note to have it checked for fingerprints. He then began his interviews with the attendees. With each, he provided a notepad for communication.

Ms. Anaya, a successful businesswoman, wrote, “I saw nothing. Was meditating during that time.”

Mr. Bhatt, a musician, sketched a pair of eyes, suggesting he was asleep.

However, when he reached Ms. Lata, a writer, her note was different. She wrote, “Last night, I saw Rajan arguing with someone in the shadows. Couldn’t recognize who.”

Arjun’s interest piqued. Could it be jealousy, rivalry, or a spurned romantic relationship? The motive was unclear.

As evening approached, Arjun decided to attend the meditation session, hoping to observe the dynamics between the attendees. The hall was dimly lit, with soft instrumental music playing. As attendees settled on their mats, their body language spoke volumes.

He noticed Ms. Lata sitting apart from the group, her gaze frequently darting towards Mr. Bhatt, who seemed lost in his own world. Ms. Anaya, on the other hand, looked uneasy, her hands trembling slightly.

The session concluded, and attendees dispersed. Arjun approached Ms. Lata, handing her a notepad.

She quickly wrote, “Meet me at the gazebo, midnight.”

Arjun nodded and returned to his temporary room, preparing for the night ahead. He felt a shiver of anticipation. The silence might be golden, but it was also deceptive.

As the clock struck midnight, Arjun approached the gazebo. The soft moonlight bathed the area, casting elongated shadows. He spotted Ms. Lata, waiting for him.

Before she could write, a soft whisper broke the vow of silence, “You need to leave, Detective. It’s not safe for you here.”

Arjun strained his ears, trying to pinpoint the origin of the whisper. A cold wind rustled the leaves, momentarily disguising any human sound.

Turning to Ms. Lata, he noticed her wide-eyed expression and trembling hands clutching the notepad. She quickly scribbled, “I didn’t say that.”

Before Arjun could respond, a soft rustling emerged from the nearby bushes. Suddenly, a hooded figure dashed past them, disappearing into the darkness.

Chasing the mysterious intruder, Arjun’s footsteps crunched on the gravel, echoing in the stillness of the night. But the figure was too swift and vanished behind the tall hedges lining the retreat’s boundary.

Breathing heavily, Arjun returned to Ms. Lata. She had written a message: “I think the killer knows you’re getting close.”

Arjun nodded, realizing that this case was more complex than he’d initially thought. A killer lurking amidst the guests and now a potential threat against him? The tranquil retreat was far from serene.

The next morning, Detective Arjun requested all the attendees and staff to gather in the main hall. He placed notepads on every seat, establishing a system for questions and answers.

“To maintain the retreat’s principles, we will communicate via these notes,” Arjun wrote on the main board at the front. “I believe someone here might have information about the death of Mr. Rajan Verma.”

Ms. Anaya, her eyes darting around, scribbled hurriedly, “Last night, after meditation, I overheard a conversation between Rajan and someone. They mentioned a ‘deal gone wrong’. But I didn’t see who it was.”

Mr. Bhatt sketched a musical note, then wrote, “Rajan approached me about collaborating on a project. He said there were others interested, but they were not to be trusted.”

Arjun’s gaze shifted to Mr. Gupta, the manager, who hesitated before writing, “Rajan had investors for a new wellness center. Some were unhappy with the plans.”

With each revelation, the web of intrigue grew denser. The reasons for Rajan’s death were becoming clearer, even if the identity of the killer remained elusive.

Later that day, Arjun took a walk around the retreat’s grounds, hoping to stumble upon some clue or irregularity. He came across a small, secluded cabin. The sign read, “Private – Staff Only.”

Curiosity piqued, he gently opened the door. Inside, stacks of paperwork lay on a table. A quick scan revealed them to be contracts, financial documents, and blueprints for a massive wellness center. The name “Shunya Retreat Expansion” was emboldened at the top.

In one of the papers, a list of investors was highlighted. Rajan Verma’s name was at the top, followed by several others, including a name that made Arjun’s heart skip a beat – Mr. Gupta.

Could the mild-mannered manager have a motive? And was Rajan’s vision of expansion the root of his tragic end?

As the sun began to set, Arjun returned to the main building, his mind working overtime. The serene silence of the retreat was the perfect facade for deep-seated greed and betrayal.

In his room, he found another note on his bed. This time, it was a warning, “Stop digging, or you’ll be next.”

Arjun gripped the note tightly. The silent retreat was speaking volumes, and he was determined to hear every word.

To be continued… in Part 2

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