10 Insanely Funny Stories About Angels

When you think of angels, what comes to mind? 

Graceful beings with white wings, floating serenely among the clouds, playing the harp, and showering blessings? 

Well, it turns out, even angels have their quirks and moments of pure hilarity! 

Imagine them misplacing their harps, or trying on human sneakers for a heavenly glide. If you’ve ever wondered what kind of mischief and fun these celestial beings might get up to when they’re not on official angelic duties, you’re in for a treat. 

Dive into our compilation of some amazingly funny stories about angels and get ready to see the lighter side of the heavens. Whether you need a chuckle or want a fresh perspective on these divine messengers, we’ve got a story (or two) that’s sure to brighten your day!

Funny Stories About Angels

1. Heavenly Cooking Class

Angel Abigail was having a tough time. As part of her heavenly training, she had to prepare a “human” meal for the Heavenly Committee. The problem? She had never cooked before. In heaven, there’s no need to cook. You just think of a flavor, and voila! You can taste it.

“I think I’ll make spaghetti,” Abigail mused, remembering humans’ fondness for it. She procured some noodles, tomatoes, and some seasoning.

Following the recipe, she boiled the noodles. So far, so good. Then she tried making the sauce. She blended the tomatoes but wasn’t sure about the seasoning. She added salt. And then some more. And then even more.

“Salt is good, right? Humans love flavor,” she thought.

When it was time for the tasting, Angel Raphael took a bite and his eyes went wide. He tried to swallow but his face turned pink.

“Abigail, did you, by any chance, confuse the salt jar with the sugar jar?”

Abigail looked mortified. “They look so similar!”

Raphael took a sip of water, clearing his throat. “You have a future in… unique recipes. Maybe next time, try ice cream with pickles!”

Abigail laughed, “You might be onto something!”

2. Angelic Sneezes

When little angels come of age, they get their very first halo. It’s a big day in the heavenly realm. And Angel Benny was about to get his.

As the ceremony started, Benny felt a familiar tickling sensation in his nose. “Not now,” he prayed. But alas, a colossal sneeze erupted from him, sending his brand new halo flying across the room.

There was a moment of stunned silence, then the room erupted in laughter.

“Looks like Benny just invented a new heavenly sport: Halo Frisbee!” quipped Angel Gabriel, retrieving the floating halo.

Benny blushed a shade of heavenly pink, but smiled, “Always happy to bring some innovation to paradise!”

From that day on, whenever angels got together for fun, Halo Frisbee became their favorite pastime, all thanks to Benny’s unpredictable sneeze.

3. The Angel’s Lost Harp

In the celestial realms, there’s a peculiar angel named Leonard who was known for being a tad forgetful. Leonard loved playing his harp. He played it at sunrise, sunset, and every moment in between.

One day, Leonard was horrified to find that he couldn’t locate his beloved harp. Panic set in. “How could I lose it? It’s as big as a cloud!”

He searched high and low, from the fluffiest cloud to the shimmering Aurora Bridge. He even checked with Angelica, the heavenly librarian, to see if he’d left it there. No luck.

As evening approached, Angel Nancy approached Leonard holding a harp. “Looking for this?” she asked with a grin.

Leonard, confused, replied, “But that’s YOUR harp!”

Nancy chuckled, “Exactly! You left yours in my room after our duet session last night and took mine by mistake.”

Leonard blushed, “I guess in the heavens, even angels mix up their harps.”

4. Heavenly Hair Day

For Angel Mandy, every day was a good hair day. Well, until one unusual morning. She woke up with a celestial version of a bad hair day. Instead of her usual golden flowing locks, she had a literal cloud on her head. Fluffy, billowing, and a bit rainy.

Mandy was mortified. “How did this happen?!”

Angel Tim couldn’t help but laugh, “Looks like you’re cloud-headed today!”

Trying to remain calm, Mandy retorted, “Well, any tips on how to handle this… situation?”

Angel Danny chimed in, “Try thunder. It’s nature’s hair dryer!”

With a playful zap, the cloud on Mandy’s head rumbled with a mini thunderstorm, before settling back into her beautiful golden hair.

“Ah, heavenly hair problems!” Mandy chuckled. “At least it’s never dull up here.”

5. Toga Tangles

Every angel in Heaven knew of Angel Jeremy’s fascination with ancient Roman togas. One day, Jeremy got an idea: “Toga Day in Heaven!” He spread the word, and soon enough, angels everywhere were donning these Roman garments.

But there was a tiny oversight. Angelic wings and togas weren’t the best combination. Togas got tangled in wings, wings got caught in toga folds, and the usually graceful skies were now filled with angels hilariously trying to untangle themselves.

Angel Lucy floated by Jeremy, her toga wrapped around her wings like a cocoon. “Brilliant idea, Jer!” she said, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.

Jeremy chuckled, “Maybe next time we’ll try… um, something without cloth!”

6. The Moonlight Serenade Mishap

Every century, Angel Samuel and his band performed a Moonlight Serenade, a symphony so beautiful that even the stars would flicker in rhythm. This time, Samuel decided to add a new instrument to the mix: the human tuba.

As the night of the concert arrived, the heavens were filled with the delicate sounds of harps, flutes, and… the surprisingly loud and out-of-tune blares of the tuba. The serene moonlit sky suddenly felt like a school band practice gone awry.

The usually polite angelic audience tried to hide their giggles behind their wings. The Moon, trying to keep a straight face (or phase), waned a bit out of embarrassment.

Realizing the tuba was a ‘blast’ too far, Samuel whispered to the tubist, “Maybe just mime the rest?”

The tubist nodded, mimicking the actions without producing a sound. The serenade resumed its ethereal beauty.

After the performance, Angel Beatrice commented, “Samuel, the tuba was… an interesting touch.”

Samuel laughed, “Innovation requires experimentation. Maybe next century, we’ll try the triangle!

funny stories about angels

7. Angelic Alarm Clock

Angel Flora had a responsibility like no other: she was in charge of ensuring the sunrise was on time. This meant waking up the Sun every morning with her gentle, melodic voice. But one day, Flora overslept. In a panic, she flew to the Sun, who was still snoozing peacefully.

Not having the time for her usual serenade, Flora shouted, “Wake up!” The Sun, startled, jolted awake, causing a rapid sunrise followed by an almost immediate sunset, then a rise again, as it tried to figure out its position.

Back on Earth, humans watched in awe and confusion as day, night, and day came within seconds. Scientists were scratching their heads, thinking it was some kind of astronomical phenomenon.

Back in the heavens, Angel Flora apologized, “Maybe I should set up a backup alarm… or five.”

The Sun, still groggy, replied, “Or maybe I need an earlier bedtime!”

8. The Angel’s New Shoes

Angel Toby had just returned from a brief visit to Earth and was extremely excited about his souvenir: a pair of shiny sneakers! He was determined to show them off.

During the annual Heavenly Glide, where angels showcased their most graceful flying techniques, Toby decided to wear his sneakers. As he attempted a complex twirl, one of the sneakers, not exactly made for heavenly flights, flew off his foot and went shooting across the sky.

Down on Earth, a group of astronomers spotted the flying shoe and excitedly declared, “It’s a new comet! Named… Sneaker-1!”

Meanwhile, Toby, with one bare foot, sheepishly completed his glide. As he landed, Angel Rita teased, “Well, that’s one way to leave your footprint on the universe!”

Toby laughed, “Maybe next time, I’ll stick to celestial sandals!”

9. Angelic Artistry

In the heart of Heaven, there’s an art class where angels learn to paint the colors of the sunset. Angel Penelope, however, always had a penchant for going off the curriculum. Instead of the typical golds, purples, and oranges, she loved using unconventional colors.

One evening, she was in charge of the sunset, and she decided to paint the sky with bright polka dots, zigzags, and even a few smiley faces.

Down on Earth, beachgoers stared at the horizon, utterly baffled. Photographers frantically clicked away, thinking it was a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon. Meanwhile, kids gleefully pointed at the sky, saying, “Look, the sky’s wearing pajamas!”

Back in the celestial realms, the head instructor, Angel Raphael, approached Penelope, trying to maintain a stern face. “While we encourage creativity, maybe save the polka dots for the heavenly pajama parties?”

Penelope giggled, “I thought the universe could use a little extra cheer!”

10. Celestial Coffee

Angel Clarence had recently discovered something extraordinary during his visits to Earth: coffee. He couldn’t get over how humans had so much energy after drinking it. So, he thought, why not introduce it to Heaven?

He set up a little coffee stand, offering various heavenly brews. Soon, angels were lining up, curious about this ‘miracle drink.’

But there was a tiny oversight. Angels, already being high-energy beings, didn’t exactly need caffeine. Soon, Heaven was buzzing (quite literally) with hyperactive angels, zipping around at the speed of light, creating accidental mini lightning storms and rainbows.

Angel Michael shook his head, watching the chaos unfold. He turned to Clarence, “While I appreciate a good espresso, maybe we should stick to ambrosia lattes?”

Clarence, buzzing with caffeine-fueled energy, replied, “Noted! But first, wanna race around the Milky Way?”

angelic laughter

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